Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I wish I were....

Yeah finally I gathered all strength to enter in to my neverland. Ya I do need strength to step in to it myself, because I know when I will be here I will just speak out my heart, and its NOT easy to do that. But why? Why can't we just speak out what we want to speak. What we really feel.

Its because we restrict ourselves to do that. We are scared to know ourselves. Deep inside, most of us know and accept, that the life we are living is NOT what we dreamt of, its NOT what we wanted it to be like. But like an intellectual being, as we are, we justify outself by saying that our dreams are not practical they are not feasible. We want to be happy and we can recognise things that will make us happy but do we do them? I will tell you what happened with me. Few days back while going to office I saw some girls playing pitthu in a park and I just felt like stoppin there and asking them for one throw, I would have felt so happy, but I didn't do it. Why? Well am a Software Engg. What if somebody from my company see me there? What will they think ? I will make a fool of myself. So many thoughts, so many unnecessary restrictions, for what? for just a throw.

It doesn't end there. It happens everyday. You want to do so many things. But do you do them? What happens is, a thought crosses your mind, you smile at yourself and think wow!! then next thing you say is alas! wish I was still a kid I could have done it again. Why? Who says you can't do it now? Why do we restrict ourselves for such things, things which will give us pleasure and actually don't concern anybody else. But the fact is that we do chain ourselves, whatever justification we may give, time, situations, responsibilities or whatever we are bounding ourselves in our own created web of unseen, unwanted rules. Break Them. You can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its just the fear in the mid which restricts and too much conscious cna be a reason too. Whoever sees, its your happiness and why care right??

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminded me of Bon Jovi's "Its my Life" ...

12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess there will be no more comments.

this is the last i pour through your blog....all i see is one word repeated to infinity...


perception is something that is different in everybody...which is why we are different.

so why dont we leave perception alone for a while...

fogive my harsh criticism...but i guess..with a person with such power of language....a confused thought process merely obscures the effect which could have been created otherwise...

sometimes its better to sit and gather your thoughts....put them in oprder n then write....maybe you can see yourself that you contraict yourself in what you write and what you feel...


1:48 PM  

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