There are few things which may be I will never understand....they say biggest truth of life is death. How ridiculous?
Yesterday one of my junior died in an accident.....
There is one thing I want to ask God if I ever would be able to...Why does he play such game....few moments before he is a person just like me & you but few moments later you suddenly say he no longer exists....you will never see him again he will never be around again....Why??
Ya I understand that once you come to this earth one day or the other you have to leave....that's the way this universe was designed....when one dies then only another one is born....but why a kid who had to do so much in life, who has not seen anything in his life had to go....Why??
I believe in God and I will always....because I feel that he is one unseen force who keeps me away from sin....through whom I can justify anything which can't be justified....like this "it was God's wish" but there are few things which I wish I could change....I wish....