well here i m tagged by manjari...well let me think...hmmmm......hmmmm.....ok
1 Am very impulsive.
2 I hate crowdy places...Love nature and places that give that sweet, soothing feeling tat cant b put in words.
3 Hate hypocrytes.
4 One person i can never hurt -my mom.
5 Hate to see tragic photographs of ppl in newspapers, tv....they dont have a right to intrude in to somebodys completely private grief....which he/she may not want to share... nyways if i go on i will write a whole para on it.
6.well now i m wishing that i was a class first student who can do a mistake in counting n writing no's and i cud make the next point no.20.
7.well i m not so this was 7
8. Love to irritate ppl who are close to me. (well coz they are used to tolerating me:-) )
9. ppl find me quiet, innoscent.....but that is till they just know me lil bit once i get close to them they term me as little devil. (donn kno why they use this little m not a kid)
10. I love indian culture.....every way...let it b saries or the festivals.
11. Well i hate the idea of going abroad...sort of baseless fear to b too far away from home n ppl.
12. I take ppl for their words and end up hurting myself.
13. My wish - want a sweet home in a valley where i can live with peace.
14. I love cooking....n the best part is tat u can hav the food without ny fear coz nobody ever had to go to a doc after havin it.
15. I get tensed very easily
16. now a days all i do is count the months when my coll will finish n i will b able to join my job.
17. i never hurt nybody knowingly.
18. i cant say no to ppl...so usually i end up cursing myself.
19. M feeling so good now as next thing m goin to write is 20
20. I believe in God a lot.
well now its my turn so... deepa...nithin